
Donn is available for private tutoring or group workshops in any of the vocations below. Rates vary with the topic, user level, and number of participants. Please email to request a quote.

Audio Engineering and Music Production

1979 - Designed and taught course in record engineering for Buttertree School of Sound (later became Institute of Communication Arts, then CDIS) in Richmond, BC Canada.

1984 - Designed and taught course in record engineering for Trebas Institute in Vancouver, BC Canada.

I have also designed and taught many short term workhops in audio recording and production for high school teachers and private groups.

Digital Image Manipulation and Printing

1987 - Taught image scanning concepts to sales and support staff of a then leading scanner manufacturer (Abaton Technologies).

I taught adult education courses in desktop publishing and image manipulation throughout the 80s and 90s, including a stint as special instructor for traditional graphics industry professionals making the transition to digital technology.

FileMaker Pro Database Creation

Beginning in 1995 I quickly became proficient in creating FileMaker Pro databases for managing work flow and billing, starting with a laser imaging company I was managing in downtown Vancouver. Since then I have designed many job tracking systems and some specialty applications.

1995 - Job tracking and billing system for Laser's Edged Imagesetting Service Bureau in Vancouver, BC

1996 - Job tracking and billing system for Canada Wide Media production and art departments, Burnaby, BC

1997 - Designed OTiS (Organizational Tracking & information System) for small graphic design firms to track materials and time on jobs, plus handle billing and receivables management. (I use this system still for tracking time and materials for all of my work).

1997 - Designed a product management and publishing solution for Revy (now Rona). They used this system as the first step in producing all weekly and specialty flyers for all stores in the chain.

I have also worked with many companies to improve the operation of their own in house FileMaker Pro databases. (Glenwood Labels, Weatherhaven, Overwaitea.